Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye 2013

As this year comes to a close I wanted to have a post dedicated to our crazy year.

A lot has happened this year, and although I'm not big on change I am so glad for everything that has happened to us this year.

Our year started off with a pregnant wife and a worn out husband

We were SOOOOO unaware of how our lives would change in just a few short months.

Then (2 weeks earlier than his due date) on March 1st 2013 Jackson Udell Thiel came into our lives 

He made Devon a daddy, my mom a Grandma, my dad a Grandpa
and most importantly he made me a mama!

Both Devon and I had no idea how much he would change our lives, or how much love we could possibly have for him.
This one day made the rest of our year a lot more difficult, but a lot more exciting!

Then in April little Jackson put on his white tux and was blessed by daddy, both grandpas, and a few uncles

And after our CRAZY spring was through
(Meaning devon and I were both working, and I was going to school...oh and we had our brand new baby)
we got to go to KANSAS :)

We had SO much fun and we were lucky enough to see part of Devon's family there too while they were on their way to Texas!

Then came time for the holidays!
Starting with halloween then Thanksgiving then CHRISTMAS!!
And unfortunately most of my pictures from halloween are either on my phone and I have no way to get them off at the moment or I just flat out didn't take any.
(you'd think I would be better at that)

For Christmas this year we were lucky enough to meet my family down in Utah for a few days which was really fun

And that was our year.
Lots of love, change, and busy days.
We can't wait to see what next year has in store for us!

And to finish things off here are some favorite pictures from our year that don't really have any categories

Daddy giving Jackson the good stuff

Jackson's first time down a slide with his favorite Aunt
(There's really no denying it she's his favorite)

My favorite boys

6 months

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Son: In 15 Pictures Or Less

I finished finals yesterday.

I don't have a desire to do ANYTHING today.


I should be doing the dishes...

but instead I got out my camera and took this

Instead of wiping down the counters...

I took this

Instead of vacuuming the living room...

I took this

Instead of doing laundry...

I took this

Instead of doing absolutely anything productive...

I did this.

(Would you expect any less from me?)

and I was about thiiiiis close to taking off his outfit, throwing a bowtie on him...
and possibly swiping his diaper off and taking some coveted naked bum pictures

(Devon is gasping right now I can hear it all the way from work)

but I refrained.

I have no idea how to end this post....

Okay happy Thursday.

Monday, December 9, 2013

9 Months

So yeah....

I've missed a few months.

I have the pictures for my own personal use but didn't do posts on them because I've been a wee tad busy as of late.

I am back for month 9 and happy to share a few pictures of our little guy!

And my personal favorite...

I'm taking a studio lighting class on campus this semester so I decided we'd do a few pictures for a Christmas card since we didn't have to freeze our butts off taking pictures.


However I'm not that good with the whole studio stuff really so the photos are mediocre at best, but hey at least we were warm!

At 9 months I am....

-Weighing in at 20 1b and 27 inches tall. (I'm kind of a shortie)

-I am NOT a picky eater at all and will accept pretty much anything that's put in my mouth

-I scoot EVERYWHERE, but still just rock back and forth on my knees

-I pulled myself up for the first time the other day in the bathtub, and I think I scared the crap out of my mom.

-Speaking of the bathtub I LOVE baths! Mommy gives me a bath every night when I get fussy.

-I still don't have any teeth yet, but I act like I'm getting some.

-I say baba and dada (But i still don't know to say dada to my dad I just think it is a fun noise)

- I finally like to snuggle (every once in a while) with my mom and she LOVES it!

We still are just loving watching our little guy grow!

And here's an outtake from our little Christmas shoot.
He was VERY done, and decided to arch his back and yank my hair as hard as he possibly could.

I'll still keep him.
I'm bald now,
but I'll still keep him.