Today has been rough.
To say the least.
I won't go into it because that's complainy
and that's annoying.
Some days are filled with words like:
cry, scream, mess, wet, hot, terrible, exhausted, tears, empty, nothing, WHY?
and on those days those words are the only ones you focus on.
Nothing good can come of today.
But then there is a calm.
and suddenly you can Relax
And you are able to focus on what blessings you have
When Jackson took a nap I was able to relax and refocus
While he sleeps
I noticed how at peace he is
I noticed his eyelashes and his chubby cheeks
I noticed his little wrist rolls
and his tiny fingers
I noticed how perfect he is
and even though he is now awake and has to sit on my lap while I type this to keep him from screaming
I love him.
and sometimes it takes complete silence to remember all of this
okay...that's a lie...
sometimes it takes complete silence, a bag of mini reeses, and a pepsi to remember all of this.