Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4 Months

Oh little man 

He is four months old (plus a week and a half...I've been a bit busy as of late)

and he just keeps getting more and more fun!!

At four months old I am...

-Weighing in at 14 lb and 8 ounces and 24.5 inches long
-I love to talk and laugh all the time
-I am really ticklish on my neck (especially when daddy rubs his scruff on it)
-I love to be held above people's heads and drool in their mouths. Specifically mommy's
-I can roll from my tummy to my back no problem, and I am SOOO close to being able to roll from my back to my tummy
-I have slept through the night multiple times now but prefer to do it when mom and dad leave me in my carseat
-I have learned how to do the pouty lip, and use it my advantage
-I also suck my thumb when mom isn't looking
-I grab EVERYTHING, and never want to sit down
-I put anything and everything that I can in my mouth
-I am still as cute as ever!

And he knows it!

1 comment:

  1. I love his outfit! What a cutie. So far I've dodged the drool in my mouth, but there have been a few close calls! Haha :)
