Friday, August 2, 2013

5 Months

My handsome baby boy is 5 months old as of yesterday!

We are so lucky to have him with us
(even though he has started teething and is a wee bit of a terror at times)

Cutest freakin onsie am I right!?

At 5 Months I am:

-Rolling over like a pro! Except I forgot how to get from my tummy to my back and have to have mommy or daddy rescue me at times.

-Smiling, giggling, and talking non stop

-Can stand being in my jumperoo a bit longer than usual

-Eating rice cereal like a champ! Mommy can't feed it to me fast enough!

-Putting EVERYTHING in my mouth including my feet sometimes

-Getting taller and taller by the day (although mommy doesn't have my stats for this post)

-Loving food and getting chunkier and chunkier
I mean have you seen my cheeks? :)

-Also when I am in a good mood I laugh at just about everything and anything

And this right here is one of his favorite things.
Devon will tickle his tummy with his face and he screams with laughter


We love our little guy and we're excited for our summer together!

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